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Luke 1: 1-4 'Is the gospel trustworthy?

Current Series


The four gospel writers – Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, offer a unique perspective of who Jesus is. Are these stories trustworthy and reliable? Why are they important? How well do you know the gospels? Why four when you can have one author record it all? Join us as we take a deep dive into the gospel of Luke. As a physician and an excellent historian, he presents Jesus in ways that no skeptics could dispute.  

Previous Series

1 Corinthians

Looking for the Perfect Church?

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We all have our own picture of what a perfect church ought to look like. Everyone gets along without conflict and tension. People are all graceful, understanding, forgiving, humble loving and caring led by a perfect pastor and a gifted worship team who always keep worship time under control. If this is your picture of a perfect church look no further. There isn't one....


A Quest for Meaningful Life


What if there is someone who lived life long enough and is wise enough to give you all the advice you need in life? You'd know what to pursue and what to let go, when to say 'yes' and when to say 'no.' There is one and his message is alarming. 


Sound Doctrine to Sound Living


Every seasoned Christian understands the significance the book of Romans has in the Christian faith. It is the greatest and longest letter the Apostle Paul has written. The Apostle shows us why, as a Christian, having a sound 'doctrine' is just as critical as sound 'living.' Be ready to be encouraged, ... 


When God's Building Comes to Life


The future of a nation often depends on the quality and integrity of a leader. The book of Nehemiah is a vivid example of how God can use the affections and integrity of a leader to rebuild His people. Join us as we journey through this marvelous book and discover how God works, builds and stretches His people to a surprising ending.

5 Hindrances to Spiritual Growth

Often we think that spiritual growth comes naturally if we just attend church regularly. But did you know that your spiritual growth could be hindered? Years of church attendance does not always translate into one's spiritual maturity. What are some things that get in the way of your spiritual growth?

The Call for Community
Street Music Show

Are you seeking or wanting to find belonging, to create a home and be surrounded by a community of faith?

Join us in this mini-series as we discover God's calling for community as found throughout scripture and become part of the family of God in the Church. 

Finding the Ultimate Hope
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2020 has impacted our lives in so many ways. During these uncertain, troubled times, life confronts us with the question What is our hope? Where does our hope lie? What has been our hope? 

Join us as we look discover hope in the Gospel of Matthew.


Are you ready?


What if there is someone who lived life long enough and is wise enough to give you all the advice you need in life? You'd know what to pursue and what to let go, when to say 'yes' and when to say 'no.' There is one and his message is alarming. 

© 2024 Watertown Evangelical Church

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