Renovation Details
In any church building, you will typically find two halls. One is the worship hall where people gather to worship. Another hall is what’s knowns as the fellowship hall. It’s where people gather around coffee or meal to commune and fellowship after worship. Since the birth of the church, fellowship has always been an integral part of church community. The early Christians knew the importance of fellowship as Acts 2:42 says “And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”
By God’s grace, we are celebrating our 86th anniversary. We are blessed to inherit a well-maintained building since 1938 that has sustained and served the church well over the years. But just like our body needs good care, the building requires good maintenance.
This year, we decided to launch a remodeling project of our kitchen and fellowship hall – an overdue project we could no longer avoid. The projected cost is $335,000. Given the rise in the cost of living, we understand the difficulty many people are facing. But we trust our faithful and generous God is able to meet our need through your prayer and loving and generous donation.
Would you prayerfully consider participating with us so we can continue to share the good news of Jesus Christ, build up the body of Christ, and foster a loving and welcoming community. Your support of prayer and donation will surely help us achieve that goal.
We look forward to hearing from you and many testimonies as God’s work unfolds through the hearts of his loving and generous people.
Thank you for your prayers and support.
If you like to participate you can click on the following link: